BANTAY GOBYERNO 004-2024 (For August 9. 2024)
I might have missed it after two searches, but it appears that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are being promoted by the United Nations (UN) are not mentioned in the medium term Philippine Development Plan (PDP) for 2023 to 2028. It could just be a simple oversight, but it could also be a sign that our government is not at all serious in our meeting these goals by 2030.
And what is the basis of my observation? I recall very clearly that our government at that time was not able to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were also proposed by the UN at that time, to end by 2015. I also recall that the government at that time was not even embarrassed that they failed to meet the goals, maybe because they were not serious in meeting them in the first place.
But why were the MDGs before and the SDGs now very important, and why should our government get serious about it? The first reason is that our country is one of the original signatories to the UN Charter, and we should lead the other member country members by our example. The second reason is that the SDG framework is a scorecard wherein the development achievement of all member countries are measured against each other. Since we flunked the MDGs, we should not flunk the SDGs this time.
While it is good to note that the PDP is focused on poverty, hunger and unemployment, we should remind the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) that those are only three goals out of a total of 17 goals. That being the case? How is the NEDA going to treat the other 14 goals? In a statement issued by NEDA Secretary Arsenio Balisacan last December 19, 2022, he mentioned both "poverty reduction" and "poverty alleviation" as if these two are interchangeable.
As I understand it, "poverty reduction" should mean liberating people from below the poverty line, while "poverty alleviation" should mean helping the people so that the hardships of the poor would become more bearable for them. In a manner of speaking, "poverty reduction" is like performing surgery, while on the other hand, "poverty alleviation" is like applying applying an ointment to a tumor.
The details about the 17 SDGs are available everywhere, and it is not too late for the NEDA to revise the PDP so that it would become aligned to the rest of the 14 SDGs. And since the PDP has localized regional versions of the PDP, it should also come up with the localized regional versions of the SDGs, not unless the NEDA will do that, it will be seriously negligent in its duties. IKE SENERES
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